Our offer

Becoming a Foster Carer can be the most rewarding thing you will ever do and can be a life changing experience, for both you and the children you foster. 

It can also be a role that will bring challenges and take up a lot of time and energy. We therefore want to make sure you are supported in every way we can throughout your fostering journey. 

We have what we believe is one of the best packages for foster carers in the UK.

As well as changing a local child’s life you will receive;

  1. Pay of up to £554.71 per week per child, which includes your fee in recognition of your skills and an allowance for the child you care for
  2. Up to 66% taken off your Council Tax bill when you join us, if you live in Waltham Forest or a payment toward your Council Tax if you live out of the Borough
  3. A free parking permit for your zone if you live in a Controlled Parking Zone  in Waltham Forest
  4. Discounted membership at any of our six leisure centres in Waltham Forest for you and your family
  5. Rewards - including access to a lifestyle hub of Waltham Forest foster carer’s benefits, which gives you a variety of discounts off major brands
  6. Outstanding preparation 
  7. A dedicated Social Worker and out of hours support
  8. Support groups offering friendship and learning and Mockingbird (see below)
  9. An allowance to help with setting up costs if you are caring for a baby
  10. Access to training before and after approval including immersive virtual reality films to help with your role and regular newsletters for the information you need to help support you

Local Community Fostering is a network of six northeast London boroughs with an ambition to inspire more people from all walks of life, to become foster carers. If you're interested in learning more about becoming a Foster Carer, please visit Local Community Fostering and complete the short enquiry form  or call 020 8496 3437

Girl on swing

Foster carers report that they feel part of the professional network and are well supported through training and support groups.

Ofsted, January 2019

How much do foster carers get paid?

Our allowances and fees as of 1 April 2024 are as below and are weekly totals:

How much is fostering allowance per child?

  • 0 – 4 years £194.52
  • 5 – 8 years £216.97
  • 9 – 10 years £216.97
  • 11 – 12 years £303.54
  • 13 – 15 years £303.54
  • 16 years + £331.33

Professional fees

We operate a 3 tiered scheme dependent on your skill set.

  • £175.28 – Mainstream foster carer (tiers 1)
  • £198.80 - Mainstream foster carer (tier 2, all Mainstream carers who have been approved as a Foster Carer for at least one year and have met all the requirements of the scheme to progress to this level, including completion of TSDS)
  • £223.38 –  Experienced foster carer (tier 3)
  • £582.50 – Specialist foster carer. This rate will be paid to carers caring for a child that would otherwise live in a therapeutic/residential home. These carers will have progressed through the Tiers and demonstrated continued learning, development and experience beyond this. 

Is Foster Carer Income Taxable?

Watch this short presentation about fostering and tax and the national insurance you will pay after approval. Fostering income is treated separately to other income. 

As long as you satisfy the other eligibility rules, you can claim Universal Credit if you are a foster carer. All of the money you get as fostering allowance should be ignored when working out how much Universal Credit you can get. The name of the fostering tax scheme is 'Qualifying Care Relief.' (turn2us.org.uk).

What is the Mockingbird Programme?

Mockingbird is an extended family model of foster care. Six to ten 'satellite' families live in close proximity to a dedicated 'hub home' which provides peer support, planned and emergency sleep overs for foster children and regular social activities. 

The innovative programme enables foster carers to build strong relationships with their peers and empowers families to support each other and overcome problems. This results in better out comes for young people. 

There are currently three constellations in Waltham Forest. If you are a current carer and would like to join a future constellation, get in touch. To join us as a new foster carer visit Local Fostering Community and complete the short form.